The science
behind DIY-urbanism.

The science
behind DIY-urbanism.

The science
behind DIY

The science
behind DIY-urbanism.

Master Thesis (2019) on the
complex relations between formal planning and
a new form of bottom-up urban practices.

Could 'DIY' be
the future of
city planning?

Could 'DIY' be
the future of
city planning?

Could 'DIY' be
the future of
city planning?

Could 'DIY' be
the future of
city planning?

Exploring temporary and permanent ideas.
Temporary urban interventions have become
the subject of an expending body of largely
celebratory literature. But what about the capacity
of  DIY urbanism to go beyond local epiphenomena
to contribute to a  systemized way of city making?

Exploring temporary
and permanent ideas.

Temporary urban interventions have
become the subject of an expending
body of largely celebratory literature. 
But what about the capacity of DIY-
urbanism to go beyond local
epiphenomena to contribute to a
systemized way of city making?

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